Hey there! Following last week’s post on Legal Evolution, detailing the explosive, unprecedented growth in Q1 and Q2 of 2021, this week I co-authored a post with Bryon Bratcher from Reed Smith/Gravity Stack that attempts to demystify one of the hottest — but also one of the most complex — markets in #legaltech. But, as the post shows, one of the main reasons contract tech is so hot, is that contracts aren’t just for legal.
Who might be interested in this post?
People at organizations looking into buying contract tech to improve CLM (a sentence you will understand better after reading the post).
You’re a potential investor in #legaltech generally and contracts specifically
You work at one of the contract tech companies
You or your organization are considering launching a company/product in the contract space.
Or, you’re like me and you just find it interesting to learn about new, emerging markets.
Btw, if you liked last week’s post, I’ll be diving into the topic of legaltech’s 2021 explosion on an upcoming webinar this Tuesday August 31, sponsored by Axiom. There are limited spots left, so click the link to register below!