Is "Hybrid" the 2021 word of the year? Plus a Webinar You Don't Want to Miss
One of my stated goals in this newsletter is to help you meet the players.
Well, today at 2pm Eastern I will be speaking with one of the rising stars of legal innovation Darth Vaughn who is Litigation Counsel and Legal Innovation & Technology operations at Ford. If you are familiar with Darth, I don't have to convince you to RSVP (using the link below). But, if you're not familiar with Darth, then you should DEFINITELY RSVP because he has a unique perspective that is informed by a hybrid career in technology consulting as well as years of experience as a trial lawyer.
Deep Thought of the Day: It occurred to me how much we use the term hybrid these days in the business context. So is your data in the cloud? We’re HYBRID cloud and on premise. Are you back at the office? Actually we’ve got a HYBRID remote work policy. Everything is HYBRID. I’m not really sure what to make of this, but as someone who pays a lot of attention to words, hybrid is now officially on my radar.
Now, speaking of HYBRIDS, go sign up for the webinar with Darth Vaughn!