Just a quick disruption today.
Usually I’m the one doing the interviewing but earlier this week I got on the hot seat with Chad Main from Technically Legal to talk ChatGPT, my recent music video and about some of the work we do at Killer Whale Strategies.
I’ve known Chad for years and I’ve used his conversations to educate myself better on legal tech trends, so even if you’ve never heard Chad before, you might be getting him filtered through me. Check out our convo here with links to all of your favorite podcast platforms. https://tlpodcast.com/will-generative-ai-expedite-legal-tech-adoption-zach-abramowitz-killer-whale-strategies/
Quick disruption over. Enjoy the podcast and the rest of your day, you earned it!
PS Despite my best attempts to convert my office into a studio including soundproofing the walls, getting serious lighting and camera, my audio is still missing the mark.
I specifically wanted to do as much of this process as I could myself because building studios is something I want to actually know how to do, and I learn best by doing even if it takes me longer and I mess up a bunch of times. Bear with us as we get it all perfect.